[New] Pin soda asked to stop talking about her fiancé!

Miss Pin asked her fiancé , September claimed that this was over a long time and nothing related to .
Interview peali " light dies , and " Miss Pin said : " O matters that I do not want you said , because it was over a long time and why you say stop there . "
Pin soda in town peali "dead light"
The actor 's confirmation to coincide with their fiance Pen October still tell he still loves September Phin soda and pleading with whatever she returned .

Nevertheless, the actor always seize positions often lead by Abel production September Phin soda say that she can not and between her and her fiancé breaks up and nothing relevant anymore .

When asked if the corresponding maturity , and both want to return to normal September or actress has confirmed that : " can not you even mature he is also unable . What happens if children do not agree . "
Pin soda and Pen October ceremony in early 2013

September Phin soda and her fiance , Pen October 2013 and is scheduled to soon but the problem jealous little to disrupt their marriage until she says , can not go back . Separate male armchair still urge her she always return to normal .
See next whether this drawing a couple can reach extinguishers or broke up . September Phin soda just get the lead again in the story " dead light " with renowned actor Pen Chamrong .
You guess to see if , Phin soda and Pen October divisions or one can find back in the coming days?

Writing By: Admin
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