[News] Views of the author of Khmer government criticizes piracy

Writers and producers say Hun Sen said to reduce the transmission of foreign works and efforts to create new works as much ?
Asked this question after the morning yesterday in the 16th National Culture Day , which was held at Chaktomouk Cambodian government suggested that the need to create new cultural products to serve the benefit of the whole society and the people , and has asked producers reduce and avoid gross piracy works of foreign art . Hun Sen considered piracy foreign culture and works as a guilty cause abscesses deficit to honor the nation .

From left to right dress, Sacred Garden, Yim Tasrong, Chhay Bora
Related to the words of Prime Minister Hun Sen , renowned author from production Twon Yim extract cited as a good thing when prince says so . He raised will make authors like piracy foreign works its wake , and turned to the creation of what their new works .
This author says : " I totally support the words of him because we know, most writers he loves copy works and I do not like piracy , I want to do something new as its alone " .
However, Yim quoted claims to said Hun Sen 's work unless you listen and orders every producer is the same one will listen and do what 's new Khmer real .
Says that unless stated just not gathered to find solutions to produce something new its original producers , and production director brown Chhay Bora said : " said the prince , we bring together or However , we have writers Council ministries and departments not meet together to find solutions to cut reduce piracy artwork want , but said he dont have time where things perfectly if such kkok " .
Although such Chhay Bora that said Hun Sen , as well as a way to oriented writer and producer Surprise turned to do something new as its own . He said that even if a pirated works also have to ask permission to do its own not copy both gross and not ask for more rights .
Turning to the author MVP Empire stars two consecutive years , sacred garden armchair , said he always position to do something new , not copied from abroad and fully supported to said Hun Sen raised reduce piracy works from abroad .
Sacred Garden said : " I am happy when he says this , because we know our art step forward a level like this and we need to strengthen themselves through doing something new by themselves , stop copying for a long time . "
Renowned author , who has said that piracy works from abroad through songs , as well as film by bringing the masses and neighbors brand and lead to abscess deficit to honor the nation .
In particular , producers , and production director LD Picture dress , told through the words of Prime Minister Hun Sen will help reduce piracy copy works in the country at lower levels than before . " Warned her because every producer will pay attention to follow and I believe that will reduce or a step to eliminate completely in the coming days , if we are united . "
Mr Leach asked the relevant ministry to continue to apply to what Hun Sen 's recommendations laid out and suggest all producers and writers take care to create something new for the Khmer people .
Recommendations laid out by Prime Minister Hun Sen when this is a time when the country is public Khmer and some neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam , has fiercely criticized the author Khmer not know how to do something new on their own copy from . This makes the people and the entire national deficit pickup honor because civilization was bolstered on stage international . In other words , through the piracy prevention work without also led to the country 's reputation on the international stage so good .
However, over the last observed local mass production , always under fire from public such as Hang Meas San Twon mutated to a lot of new songs by himself to respond to criticism from audience . Especially album New Year 's and Town found that they made ​​a lot of new music tune and sing .

This is not the first time for said Hun Sen 's related to the piracy of foreign works . Prince had said many times , but piracy foreign works still continue working without authority any crackdown . Although the crackdown has only one air only not effective .

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